We are focused on
Building resilience and inspiring hope in individuals and communities globally

Can I overcome stress, anxiety and depression with daily supportive messages?
ResilienceNHope is an evidence informed e-mental health program
ResilienceNHope was developed by Dr Vincent Agyapong’s Global Mental Health Research Group based at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dr Agyapong’s research group specializes in designing, implementing, and evaluating e-mental health programs that support global efforts at closing the mental health literacy and psychological treatment gaps for mental disorders.

Cognitive behavioral therapy based daily supportive text messages improve:
Depression symptoms
Patients who received twice daily support text messages compared to control groups during clinical trials saw a reduction of 25-50% of their symptoms after three months.
Anxiety symptoms
Patients who received daily supportive text messages for three months had a 23% reduction in their anxiety symptom scores.
Mental wellbeing
83% of Text4Mood subscribers and 76% of Text4Hope subscribers felt daily supportive messages improved their overall mental well-being.
ResilienceNHope has programs for everyone
ResilienceNHope has a variety of innovative, cost effective, and easily scalable population level e-mental health programs which support the general public and identifiable groups, and helps individuals mitigate stress, anxiety and depression. Randomized controlled clinical trials and evaluations of population level mental health programs which are part of the ResilienceNHope suite of programs demonstrate that daily cognitive behavioural therapy based supportive messages reduce stress, anxiety, depression and suicidal thinking, and also improve sleep and general wellbeing of individuals. Two randomized controlled clinical trials have also demonstrated positive benefits from daily supportive addiction related messaged for patients with Alcohol Use Disorder. ResilienceNHope suite of programs are to be used as an adjunct and not a substitute for conventional mental health treatments, including pharmacologic treatments, face-to-face counselling with a mental health therapist, clinical psychologist or addition counsellor, and social interventions.
Over 80,000 Canadians had subscribed to the ResilienceNHope suite of daily supportive text message programs as at July 2021.